Transilvania JUG



JAZOON 2012 Day 2

Day 2 started also promising with the keynote of Jonas Boner: “Building Scalable, Concurrent and Fault-Tolerant Systems – Lessons Learned” and so far his answer was Akka – a new tool to implement scalability and concurrency in big over network projects. The way they do it is : never block – use non-blocking API, go asynchronous. Another good advice was that one should know what is fast enoug, it has to be established with the client: start with a baseline, and know when to stop, when the task is done.
I was impressed by another talk – Andrea Provaglio- self-organized teams and his idea, which I totally aggree with and I  think is common sense, was that in order for the team to be self-organized, the leader should change the culture (which comes from the industrialization era) and provide all the necessary for his team, but also trust his people that will do a good a job. The change of culture cannot be enforced, but one should try to change himself and little by  little the others around him will change.
A lot of talking is done around the good and bad new changes about reducing the noise in the code arounsing, and one interesting and funny talk about these was given by Alex Holmes & James F Gould – they talked about DSL, project lambad and the default methods, Aspect Oriented Programming and Annotation Oriented Programming, also CDI – Context Dependency Injection.
There was also a nice talk about serialization, given by Ian Partridge from IBM UK, tips and tricks.
I attended also a talk about parallelism and how using java one can deal with the multicores, but unfortunately even the topic was interesting, the speakers managed to do make it boring :(.
And the evening ended with the Rookie Award – 3 guys were given the opportunity to have a small talk (like 20 minutes) and the audience decided which is the better. There was also jury who clarfied some of the good and bad aspects of the presentation. The winning talk was about autonomic computers, an interesting idea but not completely implemented – just at the university level 🙂 .

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