JAZOON 2012 Day 3
Third and last day here started with the keynote of Diana Lerson, which I found a little bit too american for my taste – everything has to be on a chart and she had her colleagues do a personal posters(say what you can give the team, what you expect from the team, hobby aso).
The Z2 framework – is a nice tool for leveraging the build and update of big web applications – presented by Henning Blohm. Also the idea of open development within a company
sounded nice. Bertrand Delacretaz showed a few ideas borrowed by them from the open source world, like track issuer for everything and mailing lists instead of mails one-to-one – worked great for his distributed team of 40+ people found all over the place (he works for Adobe)
Android was not forgotten this year either and Dominic Guinard had 2 nice talks – one about Arduino and Android and the other one about the world of QR.
And Ian Partridge returned with another talk about the basics of Java – From Java Code to Java Heap, where he explained how much memory is allocated for Objects and Collections, from the point of view of the IBM’s JRE. To remember : pay a lot of attention to the type of collection you use and maybe in case of memory leaks one should use a nice profiler, a plugin for eclipse, called memory analyzer.
And the day closed with the keynote of professor Henrik Schaefer about the Geminoid DK, another nice thing to check on youtube,
As conclusion : a few presentations were not so good, but some were great presentation and had a lot of ideas to take home and try to implement them step by step.
Some of the presentations were filmed and will be posted on the parleys.com and also photos can be as usual found on flickr.com