JUG meeting #54: High-Performance JDBC
9 Dec 2015 - 06:30
Opera Plaza
Traian Mosoiu nr 10-12, Cluj Napoca
Contact: Gabriel Pop
JDBC has been around for a long time but because the database interaction happens through higher abstraction API (such as JPA/Hibernate or jOOQ), it’s easy to forget that the actual communication plays by the database driver and the database engine rules.
This presentation goes through the most common sources of performance bottlenecks: database connection management, batch updates, statement caching, result set fetching and concurrency control mechanisms for the most common database systems: Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL and MySQL).
Vlad Mihalcea (RedHat developer advocate) is both a software engineer, architect and technical writer. He is passionate about enterprise systems, data access frameworks and distributed systems.
He blogged over 60 articles about Hibernate on http://vladmihalcea.com and he’s earned a gold badge for the Hibernate tag on StackOverflow.
He’s currently writing the High-Performance Java Persistence book (https://leanpub.com/high-
Programul intalnirii:
18:30 – 19:00 receptie
19:00 ~ 20:00 prezentare
20:00 ~ 20:30 Q&A
Locatia: Hotel Opera Plaza, sala Cristal (cu acces mai facil la sala de pe str Voltaire)
Link inregistrare pentru cei care doresc sa participe (inscrierea este obligatorie din motive logistice) : http://jugevents.org/
Eveniment sponsorizat de adlogica.com
Online bookings are not available for this event.